FAQ- Alone we do so little

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”

I love the quote by Helen Keller. Many hands make light-er work. The work may still be a giant undertaking, but can you imagine if only one or two from each family tried to gather billions of names for their family? It’s unthinkable. I shouldn’t be surprised, but even on my “been in the church since it was created” family lines…. I still have work to do, my family still has family to find, gather and shelter. And there’s no way I could do it myself!

Will we make mistakes? You bet.

Will we know everything? Nope, no one does.

Could we get an angry response? It’s always possible, I definitely have but we learn through our experiences and that includes what we go through to help others find what they didn’t have before or be reminded of what’s always been there, if we would just look..

Will we miss things? Of course, either because the records are not there that we need, or financially we can not afford them right now, or a number of other reasons. I’m reminded of the phrase:

“Art is not finished, only abandoned.”

It’s the same way with our family trees. And every tree looks so different. Hopefully we don’t actually abandon the people, but the work and research can sometimes need to be abandoned until more information or hints or someone with more skills, etc is able to pick it back up and peck at it a little more.

What other starting out questions do you have?

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