Chicken Scratchings


On a hot day, fans can definitely get the air moving which can be a great relief to chickens in a stuffy building. When it comes to family, FAN Research stands for Family, Acquaintances...

Scratch that, too

(Continued list from the Rookie Mistakes) Click here for Part one: Scratch that Don’t look for Hidden relatives, neighbors- I had looked at a census dozens of times, but it wasn’t until my daughter...

Scratch that

By now, we know we all make mistakes, right? Here are some common errors that FamilySearch recently posted. And I am guilty of many of these… Focus solely on individual: Family members, Associates and...

Joining the conversation

Have you ever walked into a meeting or class that had already started?  Or got kicked off a zoom call?  Or started to respond and everyone looks at you, expectant and yet like you...


While tending my friends’ birds, the rooster fluttered into my face, trying to scare me away. It almost worked since I’ve never tended chickens but truly felt threatened by a bird much smaller than...

Libraries and Librarians

Not all chickens or bookworms are alike. When I go to the library, I know why I am there. I want to get the book that I previously found online and go home, snuggle...


Chickens are completely blind at night, even if they sleep with their nictating membrane over an open thirdeye (creepy!) I see about the same as chickens without glasses: Nothing! And I don’t have a...

Extra! Extra: Paid resources I use

Have you ever seen newspapers used in chickens nesting boxes? Flat newspapers are sticky for chickens feet but shredded newspapers are great and mix with the other bed materials. They are softer, provide comfort and...

Roost together

Once, while chicken tending, I forgot to open the coop until after dusk! The chickens had created their own roost on a pile of logs and were already in their half-asleep, “do-what-you-want-with-me” positions. It...

We’re all cousins

Are all chickens related? I would guess so, in order to be considered a chicken, but I don’t know. But I do know that if you go back far enough we are all related....