Peculiar chirps


Newly hatched chicks chirp almost constantly, creating a chorus of constant but meaningless chatter. Hens and roosters are mostly silent, except for specific times of day and purposes. The chicks learn when to be silent and that their voice has meaning as they get older. I told my son the other day, noises tell me nothing, form your thoughts into words so I can make sense of what you mean.

My brothers peculiar chicken is a short story about whether a bird is a rooster or a hen. I’ll let you read it for yourself but was intrigued by a possible theme: do we know who we really are? Do I live in the wild or in the world? 

Chickens are peculiar birds. They don’t migrate, they don’t fly very high. People doing family history can seem a little peculiar, too. Why are they so excited about names and places? Don’t they know these people have already passed on?

If you don’t know or have been waiting to try, come see of yourself. Make some noise and join the chicken chorus!

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